Creating a Successful Go-to-Market Strategy With Pyxl

Aug 01, 2023 | 5  min
author Taylor Farace

Unleashing the full potential of your product or business launch hinges on formulating a well-rounded, pragmatic, and potent Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy. 

Without a comprehensive plan, you risk pursuing an unsuitable audience, entering the market too early or late, or vying for space in an already oversaturated market with similar offerings. 

To facilitate this process, we hope to illuminate the intricacies of constructing a robust Go-To-Market strategy in this article. 

This guide is designed to serve as a useful roadmap for startups, B2B entities, and practically any new initiative you plan on propelling.

What Is a Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy?

A Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy serves as a detailed plan to successfully introduce a novel product into the market and stimulate demand. It assists in pinpointing the target demographics, establishing marketing and sales tactics, and harmonizing key stakeholders. 

Though each product and market has unique characteristics, an adeptly structured GTM strategy should unearth a market issue and propose the product as its remedy. Your GTM strategy should stand as a practical guide, gauging the potential success of a solution and forecasting its performance, drawing from market research, historical precedents, and competitive intelligence. 

The goal is to craft a strategy that distinguishes the product from its rivals and cultivates lead generation and customer loyalty. It’s also important to note that GTM strategies aren’t confined to tangible products. They can be designed for a new service, a company expansion, or even an entirely new business venture.

What is The Purpose of a Go-To-Market Strategy?

As you craft a novel product or service, it’s critical to start sketching out a go-to-market strategy that is tailored to your budget and your ideal customer. Though it demands considerable effort, time, financial investment, and resources, a thoughtfully designed go-to-market strategy can markedly enhance your project.

Promote Cohesion

Cohesion is fundamental when preparing to unveil a new product or service. Whether you employ a product engineer or a digital marketing specialist, everyone needs to operate in unison. GTM strategies aid in fostering cohesion throughout the entire product lifecycle by providing blueprints and planning materials that inform the team about task distribution. They also help in setting deadlines to ensure your team remains on track. Without cohesion, disorder can swiftly creep in, leading to miscommunication, missed deadlines, and errors that can jeopardize your project.

Ensure Product-Market Fit

Crafting a GTM plan can stave off numerous blunders and oversights that can doom new product launches. Poor product-market fit can undermine a launch, even if the product is ingeniously designed and novel. For instance, consider Apple in the 1980s. Long before Steve Jobs launched the revolutionary iPhone, he spearheaded one of Apple’s biggest failures: the Apple Lisa computer. Despite Lisa possessing some of the finest graphic technology of its era, only 10,000 units were sold. Critics attribute the failure to Lisa’s misdirected advertising and high price, despite its low processing power. While Apple and Steve Jobs rebounded, smaller firms might face severe losses when launching a product to market with a poor plan.

Preemptive Problem Solving

While a GTM strategy can’t guarantee complete success, it can help manage expectations and iron out any wrinkles before you invest in taking a product to market. Formulating a GTM strategy enables you to identify market voids, which can assist in refining your product’s niche and better address your buyer persona’s challenges. To facilitate this process, we offer free go-to-market strategy templates to guide you in crafting a strategy that situates your product squarely in front of your intended audience.

Go-To-Market Strategy With Pyxl

Partnering with a digital marketing agency for your GTM strategy can provide targeted, expert knowledge, helping to define your audience, develop tailored messaging, and identify strategic opportunities within the competitive landscape. Let’s take a look at how top digital agency, Pyxl, partners with businesses to create a successful go-to-market strategy.

  1. Discovery Call
  2. Define Your Audience
  3. Compile Competitive Analysis
  4. Evolve Brand Messaging & Key Themes
  5. Outline the Buyer’s Journey
  6. Define the Goals
  7. Determine Marketing Channels & Needs
  8. Comprehensive Overview
  9. Construct the Timeline

1. Discovery Call

Navigating the road to successful partnerships begins with a preliminary first step: the discovery call. This initial dialogue allows us to delve into the nuances of your business and understand your objectives, challenges, and unique market position, laying a solid foundation for our potential collaboration.

To streamline this process, we typically provide “homework” for the client to complete before our discovery call, ensuring we come to the table well-prepared.

To give you an idea, here are some questions we may ask in a preliminary call:

  • What challenge/opportunity are we addressing (business objective)? 
  • Who are your primary and secondary marketing personas? 
  • Who are you competing against (direct and indirectly)?

And so on. 

2. Define Your Audience

Next, we turn to defining your audience. Through a 2-hour interactive workshop, we assist you in identifying your core personas, followed by a thorough investigation into their specific challenges, needs, and information-sourcing behaviors.

3. Compile Competitive Analysis

Our process then transitions into the competitive analysis. We dedicate substantial time to studying where your business lies in comparison to other businesses within the same industry. What messaging are they using? Who are they reaching? What are their key differentiators? This enables us to pinpoint your competitive edge in the market and uncover untapped opportunities.

4. Evolve Brand Messaging & Key Themes

We then develop your brand messaging and central themes through another 2-hour collaborative workshop. Together, we define 3-5 key messaging themes that will permeate all your marketing and sales dialogues, acting as your unique differentiators and value propositions in the marketplace.

5. Outline the Buyer’s Journey.

Following this, we gain a shared understanding of the buyer’s journey. We engage in a collaborative discussion, outlining the different buyer stages and identifying the necessary messaging and resources to guide a persona through each stage to the ultimate goal.

6. Define the Goals

We outline your goals using a reverse funnel model. If the objective is to secure X number of new customers, how many leads are required to achieve this? How many website visitors are needed to convert those leads? What advertising expenditure will generate the desired number of website visits? This will help us understand what success looks like for each stage of the sales funnel.

Rever funnel

7. Determine Marketing Channel & Needs 

Next, we establish the requisite needs for each marketing channel. Which social media platforms align with your audience? What posting frequency and content should be pursued? What landing pages and resources need creation? What is the blog content strategy, underpinned by keyword research? What advertising platforms are suitable, and what are the budget and ad mock-up requirements? Are email campaigns or automation needed from the outset? Any necessary video production or CRM setup is also identified at this stage.

8. Comprehensive Overview  

We then present an overview of your business, our recommendations for your market entry, and any long-term suggestions beyond the go-to-market strategy, revising as needed. This will be the guide we use to determine the SOW, and the items and steps needed to successfully launch into the market.

9. Construct the Timeline 

Finally, we use the items outlined in the GTM to construct a realistic timeline for implementation and take the first step toward actualizing your goals.

By partnering with Pyxl, you are empowering your company to navigate the intricacies of the market landscape with confidence and precision.

Key Takeaways

Strategic planning involves considerable resources, but its value cannot be underestimated, especially when considering the benefits of fostering team cohesion, ensuring product-market fit, and enabling preemptive problem-solving.

This guide has elucidated the process of formulating a Go-to-market strategy, encompassing the initial discovery call, audience definition, and competitive analysis, right up to crafting a detailed timeline. Each stage is strategically designed to give your product a competitive edge, attract the right audience, and stimulate business growth.

At Pyxl, we confidently navigate the complexities of launching a new offering, providing unparalleled strategic insights and practical resources to help your business thrive. By integrating our expertise with your unique business vision, we co-create a GTM strategy that positions your product for success and secures a distinct place for your brand in the market. Contact us today to get started on your GTM strategy.

Updated: Aug 01, 2023

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