CRM Automation: Nice to Have or a Necessity?

Jun 03, 2021 | 4  min
author Kati Terzinski

Marketing and sales processes are the backbones of every organization. No matter the size of your company, each step in creating a loyal customer experience, from prospecting to response, is crucial to the success of your business. However, keeping up with every possible opportunity to connect with users can be a feat! With constantly evolving digital trends and technology, CRM automation has shifted from nice to have, to a necessity.

Utilizing a CRM allows your team to have access to sales and marketing data in one designated spot, creating an efficient process no matter what task is involved. Your computer doesn’t need to be in overdrive from opening separate tools and spreadsheets in order for you to be productive.  Using a CRM to automate, store and understand key data about prospects and customers can maximize profits and the customer experience while keeping your team on the same page and ensuring information is accurate. 

CRM Comparison Guide

Key Benefits of CRM Automation

Lead / Customer Tracking:

Do users spend most of their time on the home page or do they browse quickly? Lead tracking allows your team to discover the most clicked CTAs on your site, identify the most viewed pages, understand the source of traffic, etc. These elements hold vital information about what is and isn’t working on your website. Automating your lead tracking process saves you the effort of tracking every single page visit and much more.

This eliminates tedious work from your team and reaps more data to help you understand your audience better. The average session duration on a website is about 2 minutes long. Understanding where your visitors are coming from and staying for those 2 minutes helps target your audience more effectively and tighten your marketing efforts.  

Drip email marketing

Email marketing can be tricky! 70% of millennials are frustrated with brands sending them irrelevant marketing emails and prefer personalized emails over batch and blast communications. It is essential to cater to the needs of your audience vs sending out content you assume your audience wants. This improves email open and conversion rates as end users are receiving emails based on their wants and needs.

By using an automated process called drip email marketing you can schedule several emails to specific audiences in a strategic, staggered manner, which can help create a uniform yet personalized email experience tailored to your segmented audience. So whether your prospect downloaded an eBook or signed up for the email newsletter, drip email marketing nurtures each prospect based on their actions and doesn’t spam their inbox either. 

Using the drip email marketing processes within your CRM allows you to see real-time performance metrics and make adjustments as needed. This also creates a more personalized experience for end-users. 

Data Entry

60% of data entry workers say they could save 6+ hours a week if their tasks were automated. Save time and eliminate human error in your customer and sales data by automating data entry tasks like:

  • Updating customer information
  • Eliminating duplicate values
  • Verifying accuracy

Data entry tasks take up about 17% of a salesperson’s day, so automating simple and repetitive tasks can open up more opportunities for your sales team to contact prospective customers. Having accurate, automated real-time data eliminates room for error and allows your marketing and sales team to spend more time on valuable activities like contacting potential prospects and customers. 

Segment customers

Did you know segmented emails have a 52% higher click-through rate? CRM automation tools can segment prospects into different categories based on their behavior on your website. Segmenting users based on dynamics such as:

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Log-in frequency
  • Browsing habits

This helps marketing teams design customized and personalized campaigns that nurture prospects throughout the buyer’s journey. 

Easy to manage information

Since CRM programs store all vital marketing and sales data in one place, it is much easier to create a plan and manage information. No more shuffling through file folders, or several different applications that guide your strategies. All teams can utilize the same CRM with the same information to create a cohesive plan from start to finish.

More efficient

Incorporating automation into your sales and marketing routine not only keeps useful information in one space but also frees up many hours of mundane tasks so that your team can focus on more strategic work. By reducing human error and increasing productivity, automation makes for an efficient tool.


Automation tools track and CRM’s store vital information about your users that help cater to their experience with your brand. Your team can use this information to create niche, targeted content for prospects and customers. In fact, over 70% of consumers say they only engage with personalized content.

“When done right, personalization leads to increased engagement, enhanced customer experiences, and loyalty. As a marketer, you can deliver the right messages and anticipate what your customer wants. “

Partner with Pyxl 

CRM automation: nice to have or a necessity? In our eyes, a necessity. Automating simple tasks to open up time and energy to strategy is always going to be a necessity. No matter if your team is in marketing, sales or customer service, CRM automation can truly benefit your business processes and accelerate brand growth. CRM automation is here to stay, and it’s doing big things! 

Are you looking to get started with a CRM? Check out our CRM Comparison guide to find the best fit.

Already have a CRM, but don’t know how to start automating tasks. No worries, contact us! Our digital experts at Pyxl can work with you to improve your digital strategy and find the best way to automate tasks within your CRM and streamline your business.

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