Throughout the healthcare industry, establishing a rapport with your audience is central to your success. To ensure you keep this up, you’ll need to generate awareness and provide information regarding key happenings in your organization and the industry as a whole. From this rapport and generation of information, your goals should be to be seen as a trustworthy thought leader and to convert your readers into customers. Check out our five tips for healthcare PR success!
1. Speak to your audience
Before you start creating content, research who you should be creating that content for, as well as how you should position your message. For example, you’ll want to speak differently to pharmaceutical organizations versus physicians and their organizations. Pushing out consistent press releases is great, but if they don’t align with what your audience wants to read, or aren’t relevant, they’re virtually useless.
2. Connect with relevant reporters & news outlets
Researching reporters and news outlets within the healthcare industry will be invaluable. Create a list of publications that feature your competitors’ news, as well as ones in which you’d like to appear. Once you have a list, find a reporter within each publication and gather their contact information. This will allow you to personally pitch your press releases and theoretically gather more news coverage.
3. Incorporate testimonials
Using customer quotes can help establish trust among your readers. Is your press release about a new treatment option? Feature a quote from a patient who has successfully completed the treatment. If you’re writing about a new mobile health application, include a quote from a healthcare organization that is currently using it.
4. Promote your news on all platforms
Once your press release has dropped, it’s time to sit back and relax, right? Wrong. Use your social media platforms to post an eye-catching sentence from your release to entice someone to click and read more. Additionally, include an excerpt from your release on your blog, with a link to read more. If your website has a “news” section, make sure you’re posting your press releases there, as well.
5. Analyze your performance
With your press release (hopefully) all over the Internet, it’s important to track its performance. Since each of your releases includes a link to your website, analyze how much website traffic you’re getting from each outlet or platform. From this information, you’ll be able to better determine how to promote your future releases.
Public relations can be tricky, especially in the constantly changing healthcare industry, but following these five tips can help set your organization up for success. Are you looking for a partner who can take PR off your plate, manage it consistently and allow you to focus on other aspects of your organization? At Pyxl, we create and execute public relations strategies for our clients, driving them to continued success. We’d love to work with you – let us know how we can help!
Updated: Apr 13, 2022