The Photography Dressing on Your Marketing Mix
With video taking a firm hold on the marketing world, some content gurus and campaigners are starting to turn a blind eye to video’s humble predecessor – that wacky grandfather that gave video all of his looks, but only some of his personality – photography.
There are a number of footholds in the content realm that are ideal for photography to make an impression, but knowing the cornerstones of a photographic foundation is essential for a concrete content plan. Here are the 6 integral facets that will put you ahead of your competitors.
1. Highlight Company Culture
Moving beyond Nerf Guns and tear-jerking testimonials, showing the human side of your company to your customers helps them put a face to a name. It makes the company less of an idea, and more of a tangible establishment. For clients, this can help differentiate a company from the mass of product-pushers, and make them more relatable to leads.
2. Glamorize Your Client
Make sure that product shots never looked so good. Nowadays, no potential customer wants to see bland stock photos, especially not Millennials. Depending on your market, Millennials will comprise a vast majority of your potential leads, and have no positive impressions when seeing a sharply-dressed stranger with a fake smile and a thumb way up in the air.
3. Dominate the Social Realm
Occupy the social stage with subtle, yet distinguished performance. Utilize sneak peeks, stay on top of your posting, tackle new trends with photos that cater to your brand and style guide – images are digested much quicker and in greater frequency than text. That being said, understanding the ins and outs of platforms like Instagram is paramount to photographic content success. The quantity and consistency are important, but don’t forget about the quality.
4. Nail Down Composition
Regardless of how flashy your strategy may be, if the content isn’t well produced, then your strategy will fall flatter than a freshly-stamped piece of paper. At this point in the marketing world, we’ve surpassed “Content is King” and moved on to “Content is Everything.” Understanding the components of photographic composition will give you a leg-up not only in identifying strong photography, but in capturing images yourself.
5. Don’t Just Sell, Educate
Illustrating the ups and downs of different service choices will bolster your client’s credibility. Many marketers preach endlessly about “showing thought leadership,” and that principle has its valid roots, but removing bias from your images makes your digital presence less about making money and more about fostering a community of customers who are content with your client’s product or service.
6. Involve Your Audience
In many demographic channels, but particularly the younger generation, target audiences invest heavily in user generated content (UGC). Not only will UGC increase engagement with your followers, you gain free content with ease. Some popular UGC methods are things like photo contests, or playing host to a digital scavenger hunt.
These guidelines may seem straightforward, but they can be far from simple in actual application. Content marketing consultations are a dime a dozen, but no other agency thinks like Pyxl. If you need a resource for strategic implementation and creation of strong content guidelines, we hope you Think Pyxl. Reach out today, and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can help bring your content strategy to the next level.
Updated: Apr 13, 2022